Welcome back to ‘Verse Vault’ has it really been 10 years…

Here’s a selection of poems I’ve written. In general I deem most of my work readable for children whilst the odd one or two maybe better suited towards adults. The grown ups might also enjoy the younger reader ones if they are reading them with youngsters at home, in the library or out loud in the classroom.

My poems are a mixed bunch, a bit of everything, some are funny, others scary, a few sad. Some tell songs of robots and monsters, others stories of nature, animals and the seasons. Most rhyme, have meter and a few don’t. There are poems about people, ghoulish, spooky ones, made up creatures and growing up ones – they really are a jazzy jumble of my allsorts!

A few years ago I hooked up with a local writers group which I found to be invaluable; it keeps you up to date with the happenings in your writing community. It also allows you to share your successes and failings and can be a true lifeline for most writers because writing can be a such a solitary affair. And only another writer seems to understand the problems that the writing process can throw up. Group’s can help keep you motivated, disciplined and can provide you with encouragement and fresh ideas. They provide an excellent door to keeping your creativity open as they make you sit up and listen to other’s various writing styles and gives each writer a much needed constructive and unbiased critique.

I thank you for reading my work and hope you will enjoy your time here…

D.M Brighton.